About Us


Dr. Sakamoto and Associates /


Dr. Sakamoto and Associates /
247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando

With the closing of Tomoko Ladies Clinic Omotesando, we would like to announce our renewal grand openning. As we welcome a new director to the Clinic, we will continue providing the same quality services as before, in addition to new services. We aim to accomodate all your opinions and requests as your trusted healthcare clinic.

医療法人社団 秀正会 理事長 坂元正樹

Chair of the BOD Masaki Sakamoto

About the Clinic


247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando strives to administer healthcare access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We now provide online consultation through telephone and smartphone applications in an effort to create a more comprehensive consultation system for our patients. 247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando treats our patients based on the latest medical research and evidence, and offer outpatient surgeries. We also provide access to laparoscopic surgery, childbirth delivery and other advanced medical treatment through our network of hospital partnerships.

Clinic Overview

クリニック名 Dr. Sakamoto & Associates 247レディースクリニック表参道
Dr. Sakamoto & Associates 247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando
住所 〒150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前4-11-6 表参道千代田ビルB2階(表参道ヒルズ隣)
B2 Floor 4-11-6, Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
(Next to Omotesando Hills)
TEL 03-5771-3781
FAX 03-5771-3782
診療時間 午前 9:30~12:30 午後 14:00~16:30
休診日 火曜・土曜午後・日曜・祝日
Closed on Tuesdays, Saturday afternoons, Sundays and Holidays

Medical/Healthcare Partnerships


247 Ladies Clinic has partnerships with several medical/healthcare facilities.

  • 愛育病院

    Aiiku Hospital

  • 愛育クリニック インターナショナル ユニット

    Aiiku Clinic International Unit

  • 東京メディカル&サージカルクリニック

    Tokyo Medical and Surgical Clinic

  • 聖路加国際病院

    St. Luke’s International Hospital

  • 日本赤十字社医療センター

    Japanese Red Cross Medical Center