Terms of Service


  • 原則として初診は直接の対面による診療を行います。
  • オンライン診療は触診、聴診、超音波検査等を行うことができないため、得られる情報が限られています。
  • オンライン診療を実施する都度、医師が実施の可否を慎重に判断し、オンライン診療が適切でないと判断した場合は、
  • オンライン診療は、あなたがその利点と生じるおそれのある不利益などについて理解した上で、
  • お使いになる端末のOSやウイルス対策ソフトは最新のものをご使用ください。
  • あなたのプライバシーが保てる空間から受診してください。
  • オンライン診療では第3者は参加できません。ご家族が同席される場合は前もって医師の同意を得てください。
  • 双方の同意がなければオンライン診療の内容を録音・録画することはできません。
  • 上記の条件が守られない場合、診療は中止になりますので、来院でのご相談となります。
  • 当院では24時間・週7日(247)のアクセスを確保するため、複数の医師(男性、女性)が交代で待機いたします。
  • 事情により初診を行う場合は、医師側もあなたの写真付き身分証明書の提示をお願いすることがあります。
  • 上記の項目に加え、医師から初診後に用意される「診療計画」をよくご確認いただき、オンライン診療の実施に同意される場合は、別紙同意書の署名欄にご署名ください(次回来院時でかまいません)。
  • オンライン診療は通常の診療と同様のお支払いをお願いします。時間外(休祭日、夜間)のオンライン診療は自費となります。
  • 厚生労働省のオンライン診療の適切な実施の関する指針はこちらからダウンロードできます。

Terms of Service

  • The initial consultation must be an in-clinic consultation.
  • Because palpations, auscultations, and ultrasounds cannot be performed online, only limited information can be gathered from telemedicine. Therefore, it is necessary for the patient to have an initial in-clinic consultation.
  • During each telemedicine, the consulting physician will determine whether telemedicine is appropriate. If it is determined that telemedicine is not appropriate, the physician will advise an in-clinic consultation.
  • Telemedicine is offered based on your understanding of the pros and cons of, and upon your desire for, such consultation. Telemedicine will not be solicited for research purposes or for the convenience of the physician.
  • Please use the most up-to-date OS and anti-virus software. 247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando does not assume any responsibility for information leaks on the patient’s side. Consultations will be made over Zoom, with 3 authentication steps and the most up-to-date encryption.
  • Please engage the online consultation from a space that can preserve your privacy. Consultations commissioned from places where the number of viewers cannot be determined and/or limited (i.e. train stations, airports, restaurants, etc.) will not be accepted. Consultations commissioned while driving will also not be accepted.
  • Third-parties may not participate in telemedicine. In the event a family member will participate in the telemedicine, please first obtain the physician’s consent. The physician will not have a midwife or third-party participate without your consent.
  • The contents of the online consultation will not be recorded via sound or video absent the agreement of both the patient and physician.
  • In the event that the above cannot be observed, the telemedicine will discontinue and further consultation will resume via an in-clinic visit.
  • In order for 247 Ladies Clinic Omotesando to provide access 24 hours per day / 7 days per week, multiple physicians will be on-call on a rotating basis. Please confirm the physician’s identification before beginning the telemedicine. Physicians will be prepared to provide two forms of personal identification, including identification issued by the Japanese Medical Association, a physician’s license, and/or a passport. If you are unsure of the physician’s identity, please confirm their identification(s).
  • Under certain circumstances, the physician may also ask for your identification during the online consultation.
  • In addition to the items listed above, please carefully consult the “Treatment Plan” prepared by the physician after the in-clinic initial consultation, and if agreed to, sign your name on the signature line of the separate letter of agreement on the day of or during the next visit to the Clinic.
  • Telemedicine is subject to the Clinic’s standard consultation fee. Off-hours consultation is subject to an additional fee.
  • Our accountings will send you an invoice after you receive the telemedicine service.